Categories: Recreational Marijuana

The Best Cannabis Strains for the Holidays

Tis the season for red and green lights, holidays movies, family get-togethers, and way too much food. Nothing pairs better with Christmas cheer than some potent herb. Here are the best strains to pair with your favorite holiday festivities!

Bon Appetit: Bubba Kush

Holiday’s are synonymous with stuffing your face until you’re on the verge of exploding. There is no turning down Grandma’s spiral ham, no matter how many houses you have had dinner at previously. Whatever your tradition may be, smoke a little Bubba Kush before indulging. You won’t just increase your appetite, but every single bite will taste that much better. Bubba Kush is known for its heavy tranquilizing, so make sure you have time to sneak in a post-feast nap!

Scoping out Christmas lights: Gorilla Glue #4

There is nothing better than being driven around to look at all the crazy Christmas displays through local towns.  The simply psychedelic high from Gorilla Glue #4 is guaranteed to make even the lamest light shows seem like they were set up by NASA. Boasting between 30-35% THC, this high octane herb is no joke. Toke a little before situating yourself comfortably in the passenger seat, and enjoy as the initial visual intensity turns into a mellow body high. Looking at Christmas lights has never been this bad ass.

Family time: Cherry Bomb

Gather up all of those third cousins, long lost aunts, and family friends because after a few hits of Cherry Bomb you will be ready to talk to anyone who wants to lend an ear. This potent hybrid is known to cause a peak in mental alertness and send you into a talkative tizzy. Cherry Bomb is ideal for daytime consumption and will make hearing Uncle John re-tell all of his stories a little more tolerable than before.

Gift grab tradition: Chemdawg

Gift grab, Yankee swap, or whatever you choose to call it, it’s the heart of the family Christmas party. With Chemdawg, even the lamest gifts are a cause for joyous giggles. This hybrid has high THC content, that can bring on fits of laughter at the drop of a hat. Happen to be on the receiving end of a new multi-colored, hand knitted pair of adult booties? Laugh it off and let Chemdawg bring you to its euphoric peak!

Nostalgia: Jack Herer

The smell of pine brings memories of Christmas past rushing back to the forefront of your mind. Presents stacked high under a gorgeous green pine lit up like, well, a Christmas tree. Looking to reminisce about the days of old? Jack Herer offers a robust pine smell with a woody, piney flavor profile that will send your senses into a Christmas flurry. This Sativa dominant hybrid fills you with a feeling of bliss, enveloping you in Christmas cheer. Have yourself a sentimental moment of peace!

And to all a good night: Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush is the perfect strain to help you relax after a long day of family and fun. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, calming your nerves can seem impossible. Never fear, this pure Indica goodness is ready to help you drift into a sweet sleep. Afghan Kush is famous for its heavy resin content and heavy sedating effects. Consider leaving a bowl out for Santa, after the night he’s had, he may just need some too.

Happy Holidays to all and to all a blazed night!