Categories: Weed Edibles

What is Decarboxylation ?

Metallic stove and dishwasher in the kitchen

It is astounding the number of people who don’t know that you should decarb your weed before using it to infuse into whatever delicious edible components you are making. For such an important step, there seems to be a lot of confusion about it. What is decarboxylation? Does it really make a difference?

In short, yes it makes a HUGE difference. Before we get into why let’s talk about what decarboxylation really is.

What is Decarboxylation?

In layman’s terms, decarboxylation is the process of activating the THC in your marijuana by applying heat. It’s common knowledge that the cannabis bud straight from the plant won’t get you stoned upon contact. It’s not until you pack your bowl and light it up that the psychoactive effects start to kick in.

Science explains decarboxylation as Decarboxylation is simply “a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2).”  Decarbing your marijuana releases H2o and Co2. When we light up, they release immediately. When you are preparing butter, oils, or whatever else you like to play with, it’s easy to deem this an unnecessary step.  Do not be fooled! Decarbing your weed is a MUST for the most potent edibles and topicals.

What are the benefits of Decarboxylation?

The benefits, quite frankly, are unbeatable.  Taking this extra step adds so much more value to your product. You fully activate the THC in your marijuana. With activated THC you now have a psychoactive bud ready to infuse with. This leads to more potent and medically sound edibles, topicals, and tinctures.

How to properly Decarb weed

Although it is a pretty simple process there are a lot of varying components. Not all ovens cook the same, not all bud or keif bakes in the same amount of time. This process also emits a strong marijuana smell, so be prepared if you live somewhere that doesn’t find this acceptable. Here is a basic guideline for oven decarbing.

  • Preheat oven to 230 degrees
  • Grind bud up finely, and spread out evenly on a sheet pan.
  • Bake the weed for 35 minutes, mixing it around in 10-minute intervals.

The end result should be a green/brown color of cannabis. Make sure to check on it frequently because burned weed is a terrible fate to come across.

However, the oven isn’t the only way to decarb.  There are also some great decarboxylators out there. right now. Personally, I have put a lot of trust in the NOVA Lift Precision Decarboxylator. They have taken the guesswork out of decarbing times and temperatures. Decarboxylating machines also disguise the smell of the weed while it bakes.   As an apartment liver, this has been a lifesaver and has allowed me to up my edible game.

No matter how you choose to decarb your weed, just make sure that you are doing it! There is nothing more disappointing than biting into a sub-par edible treat at the end of a long day!